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Function [up] [down]
Saves IFF-8SVX samples.
Loops yes (forward)
Channels yes (mono/stereo/quadro)
Compressionyes (PCM-8,PCM-16,PCM-24,PCM-32,FDPCM-8:4,FDPCM-16:6,EDPCM-8:4,EDPCM-16:5)
This is the most wide spread sound-file on the Amiga. It is build like any other IFF file making it a very flexible whilst retaining compatibility. The IFF-8SV is one of the few that saves loops.
SoundFX also supports quadrosamples, 16-bit and combined samples. I have got the description of the combined samples from the freeware program SoundBox by Richard Körber. This saves the full 16-bit data of a sample. Is this sample loaded into a standard program (supporting only plain IFF-8SVX files) then it loads as a standard 8-bit sample. If a program however knows this it loads it as a 16-bit sample.

Parameter [up] [down]
Typetype of compression
  • PCM8 : not compressed 8bit
  • PCM16 : not compressed 16bit
  • PCM24 : not compressed 24bit
  • PCM32 : not compressed 32bit
  • PCM16c : not compressed 16bit combined
  • FDPCM8_4 : FibonacciDelta (2:1) compressed 8bit
  • FDPCM16_6 : FibonacciDelta (8:3) compressed 16bit
  • EDPCM8_4 : ExponentialDelta (2:1) compressed 8bit
  • EDPCM16_5 : ExponentialDelta (16:5) compressed 16bit

Notes [up] [down]
When SFX saves a sample in the 16-bit it creates a "BITS" chunk of the following structure :
struct chunk_bits {
char id[4]; // "BITS"
ULONG len; // 4L
ULONG bits; // 8/16 bit so far supported
In addition the "CHAN" chunk has been extended. With a data value of 30, it is a quadrosample.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001